Tahu Mali Zmaj je (u Austriji) uspešno prošao preglede, oči su mu zdrave i patela bez luksacije (0/0)!!! Srecni smo zbog toga! Takođe je pas koji je u našem suvlasništvu, Experience Europe Mr uspešno prošao iste preglede, oči su mu zdrave i patela bez luksacije! /
Tahu Mali Zmaj successfully passed health examinations, his eyes are healthy and patella with no luxation (0/0)!!! Happy happy happy! Also same examination passed a dog in our co-ownership, Exepience Europe Mr! Congrats to Barbara Berger-Schauer, his owner!
Today our lovely Hilary flight to his new owner Goran Akkeson, kennel Theneican's. Good luck with our girl, Goran, I hope you will be very happy with her.
Dobro došao Punkas! Naš novi pas stigao je iz Švedske, iz poznate odgajivačnice Theneicans, od odgajivača Gorana Akkeson! Punkas nam se jako dopada i nadamo se da će dati izvrsne potomke u našoj odgajivačnici. Hvala Gorane za ovog divnog psa!
/ Welcome to our home dear Punkas! Our new dog arrived from Sweden, from wellknown kennel Theneican's, breeder Goran Akkeson. We like Punkas very much and hope that he will give great offspring in our kennel. Thank you Goran for this lovely dog!