Zwergpinscher - Miniature Pinscher
Miniature Pinscher entered to our harts and house without plane, on "small door". Till then, we had our beautifull Collie female. Our first MinPin was full temper female Aska (pedigree name Flora od Zmaj Ognjena Vuka), we got her as a gift from our friend who couldn't keeep her in rented flat. Aska entered to our harts with love and temper. Her most important and loved person in our house was my husband Slobodan. But, little Astra didn't live long, only seven months. With bad luck her and our, she finished her short life under one fast car... Aska lived long enough to make us fans of this beautifull breed. After Aska, we bought female Mrvica (which means Little cramp - pedigree name Ki-Li Gea) and from her we got our first MinPin puppies. We still didn't have kennel name but later, when another female Zitta came, we realised that we need to have own kennel name. Temper of MinPins as small dogs with big hart like in dragon, gave us idea for kennel name - "Mali Zmaj" (on Serbian language it means Little Dragon). FCI registered our kennel under 4330 number. I must say my big thank to Natali Zorina who was my long distance friend and helped me a lot from my first steps in MinPins, giving me friendlly support and all help when I needed, critised my first litters and gave her opinion when I asked for. Most important, our first really quality MinPin came from her kennel - Multatuli Bum-Bam Spasibo Mam - Boss. Boss was the main stone of our kennel in MinPin breed and we love him much much much... We intend to breed healty dogs with high temper and show quality. Three things in our breeding have same importance - health, exterior and character of dogs. MinPins also brought me some very dear friends - breeders and MinPin fans and I feel more rich with their friendship. Thank you all for being my friends. Zorica Dragic
MOST SUCCESSFUL DOGS from our breeding: |